
In rows 1-3, trace each capital and lower-case R. In rows 4-6, trace the beginning of each letter and then complete the letter. In rows 7-9 write each letter given the point at which each letter should start. Complete at least three more rows by yourself.

Download Penmanship Worksheet R


  1. Is it important to have good handwriting?
  2. Handwriting basics
  3. If you’re left-handed
  4. Aa
  5. Bb
  6. Cc
  7. Dd
  8. Ee
  9. Ff
  10. Gg
  11. Hh
  12. Ii
  13. Jj
  14. Kk
  15. Ll
  16. Mm
  17. Nn
  18. Oo
  19. Pp
  20. Qq
  21. Rr ✐ 📄
  22. Ss
  23. Tt
  24. Uu
  25. Vv
  26. Ww
  27. Xx
  28. Yy
  29. Zz
  30. Writing words
  31. Practice makes perfect
  32. Additional material

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